Welcome to Mommy (and Daddy) Lingo!

Hi and thanks for visiting this site. As a mother of 3 I've said some pretty odd stuff over these past 10 years and thought it would be fun to write a bunch of them down.

And now, with the encouragement of my brother, I'd like to share some of these unconventional, yet practical, phrases. Enjoy!

Monday, February 27, 2012

"Then just don't eat the fries that taste like coffee."

I must have been zoning out pretty fiercely because this was the only part of the conversation I heard between my hubby and our little man. But it was enough, mind you, to make me chuckle and be intrigued. How did this exchange begin? What brought things to this point and why was my husband not laughing? I suppose I'll just have to content myself with the made up conversation in my head and try and 'stay in the game' next time...or 'put my listening ears on'...or simply 'be all ears.'

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