Welcome to Mommy (and Daddy) Lingo!

Hi and thanks for visiting this site. As a mother of 3 I've said some pretty odd stuff over these past 10 years and thought it would be fun to write a bunch of them down.

And now, with the encouragement of my brother, I'd like to share some of these unconventional, yet practical, phrases. Enjoy!

Friday, November 12, 2010

"Well then how did something fly out and land on your chin?"

Or "I guess you didn't swallow it all because there's some on your chin." Or "Obviously not because something just flew out of your mouth and onto your chin." Or "Apparently you didn't swallow everything because there's food on your chin now." Or just "Yuck, get that off your chin."

I can't remember exactly what I said to my daughter at dinner last night, but it was something along those lines. We've been trying to have more chewing and less talking while eating (particularly when there is still food in the mouth) and we're improving, albeit slowly. And there's just something about fallen food that really gets to me. It may seem a bit odd that of all things, spilled food is high up on the 'yuck' list for me, but it is. I know I've changed about a billion diapers and cleaned up about a thousand cuts and scrapes, but vomit and food messes rank #1 and #2 on the gross lost, respectively. My first child was a rather neat eater so I thought I was in the clear, but then my sweet girl arrived and seemed to make it a point to make the biggest food mess possible. I remember covering myself in burp cloths and towels while I fed my daughter and my husband coming home from work and just saying, "Here, let me feed her." I guess it was pretty obvious how I felt. So I've come a long way over the years and don't even flinch anymore when there's food on the table, but there's still something about food either not making it all the way into the mouth or somehow making its way out again that really makes my stomach churn. So I think what I'm trying to say is that what I actually uttered was probably more like, "Ah, uh, don't be yucky, wipe that off, oh."

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