Welcome to Mommy (and Daddy) Lingo!

Hi and thanks for visiting this site. As a mother of 3 I've said some pretty odd stuff over these past 10 years and thought it would be fun to write a bunch of them down.

And now, with the encouragement of my brother, I'd like to share some of these unconventional, yet practical, phrases. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"I only have one right hand."

It's true, I do. For some reason my 3 year old was set on holding my right hand, even though his older brother 'had it first.' I told him he could hold the other one or his brother's hand or daddy's hand, but no. "I want that one." He left me no choice.


  1. It was the right thing to do when you are left with only that choice.

  2. Of course it was right, and wonderfully amusing
    Parenting isn't easy, just keep a sense of humor and enjoy the ride.

  3. I have said this!!!! Multiple times. My son is convinced that my right hand is the "better" hand. Lucky for me he can't tell left from right, so I can often slip him a left and he is just as happy. Of course my older daughter loves to "fix" this for me....
